Infectious disease doctors
what DFW Infectious Diseases can do for you?
Our skilled team works closely with primary care physicians, other specialists, and nursing facilities to help patients transition from the hospital and back to home. With either home health agencies or our in-office infusion services, DFW ID can help reduce the length of hospital stays or even help patients avoid hospitalization.
General services
Our clinic and infusion services are open 5 days a week (See Locations for hours)
We have three locations in Bedford, Frisco, and Lewisville
State of the art in-office infusion services are available in Bedford, Frisco, and Lewisville
DFW ID infusion therapy
Our doctors, nurses, and medical assistants work together to provide personalized and effective treatment plans for fast recoveries. Our sole concern is to make sure a patient’s needs are met, and we coordinate nursing care and all medical equipment for their infusion.
Visit our Patient Education page for more information